The Whale Walk is on Friday, October 12, 2023! Show your SeaWolf pride by participating in spirit week, and your classroom could even win a class party!
Monday, October 9
School Colors Day!
Show your Cedar Wood spirit by wearing a Whale Walk shirt from a past year (if you have one) or Cedar Wood school colors of teal and purple! Just one week left to raise money! Show your pride and ask for a few more sponsors!
Tuesday, October 10
Pajama Day!
Who wants to get dressed on a Tuesday anyway! Wear PJs to school and get plenty of rest so you can run, walk, jump, and dance during the Whale Walk! We’re dreaming of reaching our fundraising goal!
Wednesday, October 11
Wacky Head and Feet Day!
Wednesdays are wacky, so put on your wackiest thinking cap and get your brains thinking of how much fun you’re going to have on Friday! Get your feet ready to walk, run, jump and skip through the Whale Walk by wearing silly or mismatched socks or shoes!
Thursday, October 12
Whale Walk Day!
EVERY STUDENT will receive a Whale Walk T-shirt! Come to school ready to have some FUN and Go with the Flow during your lunch recess! The Whale Walk is outside on the track, so wear your running shoes and prepare for the weather! We will supply water and a snack afterwards.
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